Ok, I'm 30.
I could have opted for a simple three and zero candle, but I wanted the inferno.
I love having my birthday so close in the year to three of my best friends, two of whom I got to celebrate with! All of whom turned 30, like me. (L-Dub, sorry I couldn't party with you on your big milestone day!)
Laura and Biffy, you each rang in your thirties in a way that was very you. And you both have given me inspiration for birthday traditions I need to start. For example, Laura: I LOVED how your mom read the parts of her journal that were about you on your big day, what an amazing woman she is! I am going to start keeping a journal of all the crazy things my kids do too. Included in this journal will be how Penny is such an amazing baby. She goes to bed at 7:30 pm and sleeps till 7:30 the next morning, but every night, without fail, she takes a midnight dump in her diaper and wakes up the whole house screaming bloody murder. Also included: the time Finn fell off of the porch at the new house, grew a lump the size of a unicorn horn (he thought I said acorn) and cried for Santa to come give him love in his heart. He made me role play with him, pretending to be Santa and telling him that I know what it's like to fall off stuff, I fall off roofs on Xmas eve all the time.
And Biffy: Every party needs your sisters. And the cadaver dog was pretty awesome too!!! That's what I said. The friend who had the party for Biffy, her husband is a Police Officer with a dog trained to find dead bodies. He has a chunk of dead person he keeps in the garage to help the dog practice. He gave us a demonstration!
My husband has arrowheads... and pot shards...
Not even as cool.
For my big day we had a party at the new house. I had fun preparing all the food (I really do love it) except the cake. Trying to make a beautiful, impressive cake is the worst. The worst. Ever. Pineapple upside down cake is my FAVORITE, but my attempt at a double decker was a disaster. It looked like barf. Nobody but Laura was brave enough to try it. So not all bad... MORE FOR ME! Bwahahahahaha!
I especially enjoyed digging the fire pit! Thank you to my neighbors for the awesome company and for the rocks they gave me to line it. It rained a little, but we roasted marshmallows and had friends hanging out from lunch until bedtime. My dream come true! I love a full house, no lie. The roasting of marshmallows turned into just throwing them into the fire to watch them bubble up all huge and burn and get all crazy looking.
I wish I could have partied with you guys! Mostly because I want to snuggle your babies. Sorry I didn't call. I thought of you. Just know I was in a low, LOW place in my pregnancy and I felt like death at that time. Now here I am able to finally comment on this post a hundred years after the fact. I hope Jake is still rockin' that lumberjack look. Miss you guys so much.