
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Turning 29, again.

So, I just turned 29! Again. For the second time.
Ok, I'm 30.

I could have opted for a simple three and zero candle, but I wanted the inferno. 

I love having my birthday so close in the year to three of my best friends, two of whom I got to celebrate with! All of whom turned 30, like me. (L-Dub, sorry I couldn't party with you on your big milestone day!)

Laura and Biffy, you each rang in your thirties in a way that was very you. And you both have given me inspiration for birthday traditions I need to start. For example, Laura: I LOVED how your mom read the parts of her journal that were about you on your big day, what an amazing woman she is! I am going to start keeping a journal of all the crazy things my kids do too. Included in this journal will be how Penny is such an amazing baby. She goes to bed at 7:30 pm and sleeps till 7:30 the next morning, but every night, without fail, she takes a midnight dump in her diaper and wakes up the whole house screaming bloody murder. Also included: the time Finn fell off of the porch at the new house, grew a lump the size of a unicorn horn (he thought I said acorn) and cried for Santa to come give him love in his heart. He made me role play with him, pretending to be Santa and telling him that I know what it's like to fall off stuff, I fall off roofs on Xmas eve all the time.

And Biffy: Every party needs your sisters. And the cadaver dog was pretty awesome too!!! That's what I said. The friend who had the party for Biffy, her husband is a Police Officer with a dog trained to find dead bodies. He has a chunk of dead person he keeps in the garage to help the dog practice. He gave us a demonstration! 
My husband has arrowheads... and pot shards... 
Not even as cool. 

For my big day we had a party at the new house. I had fun preparing all the food (I really do love it) except the cake. Trying to make a beautiful, impressive cake is the worst. The worst. Ever. Pineapple upside down cake is my FAVORITE, but my attempt at a double decker was a disaster. It looked like barf. Nobody but Laura was brave enough to try it. So not all bad... MORE FOR ME! Bwahahahahaha!

I especially enjoyed digging the fire pit! Thank you to my neighbors for the awesome company and for the rocks they gave me to line it. It rained a little, but we roasted marshmallows and had friends hanging out from lunch until bedtime. My dream come true! I love a full house, no lie. The roasting of marshmallows turned into just throwing them into the fire to watch them bubble up all huge and burn and get all crazy looking.

 29 round two is gunna be rad. Ready, set, go!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have partied with you guys! Mostly because I want to snuggle your babies. Sorry I didn't call. I thought of you. Just know I was in a low, LOW place in my pregnancy and I felt like death at that time. Now here I am able to finally comment on this post a hundred years after the fact. I hope Jake is still rockin' that lumberjack look. Miss you guys so much.
