
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Wayne! Your wish is my command...

Ok Wayne, just because it’s your birthday.

Wayne is my father in law for those of you who don’t know. He has no concept of distance. Any hike that takes less than all day is a “short” hike. I have been learning this the very, very, very hard way.

Have you all heard of slot canyons? They are nature’s way of imposing a size limit. Last trip to Escalante I was encouraged to go on a night hike that would take us through two: Spooky and Peek-a-boo. Contrary to what their names might suggest to your imagination, they were not “cute-scary.” Wayne, it is cracking me up that your birthday wish is for me to relive the experience. Honestly, I think I could have hung in there had the temperature been a little farther from 90 than it was that night, and if we had had a few less “Aunt Jan’s” with us. She is just one woman, but that night she was everywhere I turned – reminding me of just how tight the canyon was, screaming at scorpions, and being, in general, my slot-canyon-hiking-nemesis.

I’m sure she is a very nice woman.

We started the hike around eleven (because it would be cooler…um-hm, so not 100, but 90.) Wayne had to “find” it first (in the pitch black), there are a few different slot canyons that branch off from this particular area, and we wouldn’t want to start down the wrong one now, would we? Sketchy. –I am in danger of abusing my use of “” marks telling this story, but I want to make sure my sarcasm and skepticism come through crystal clear…

Anyway, we started at eleven (after an hour plus drive to get there) and finished up around 2:30ish am. That is three and a half hours Wayne. That is a long hike. To someone who has never hiked in their entire life before marrying into your family, who grew up thinking she was tough because she could last at a mall for 8 hours without feeling tiered, three and a half hours of claustrophobia in the nearly pitch black is a long-ass hike.

(This is me towards the end of it all. Incase you have never seen it before, this is what it looks like when someone is crying on the inside...)

Sweating like a pig, wondering if it was possible I could have developed asthma in the last twenty-four hours, and feeling totally ashamed and looked down on by the other thirty people who went with us (and who all seemed to have absolutely no problem at all with the, uhem, difficulty of the hike) I settled in for the long drive home. Every time I go on a hike like this I feel sure that Jacob is wishing he had married someone else, someone a tad more... robust, perhaps. I pondered that thought for the next hour, until Jacob and I could be alone and he could give me a reassuring "spoon" until I fell asleep.

I love you Wayne, happy birthday, and thank you for being from Escalante. Despite it all, it is my favorite place in the continental U.S.

Next birthday would you like me to write about Cape Verde?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Couple Cool Things I've Been Meaning To Post:

I think Jacob purposely didn't tell me Dashboard was the band that was going to be on Conan on Friday. What a turd. Anyway, Laura you were right, they sounded terrible. That in no way means I have stopped thinking Chris Carraba is awesome.

And, of course, a big whoot whoot for the best band ever. Here are the Mountain Goats as seen on the Colbert Report.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Mountain Goats - Psalms 40:2
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMichael Moore

And another good video...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finn threw it on the ground, he's not a part of your system!

Maybe you saw this on SNL, maybe you didn't, but if you have ever met my kid you might understand why this remindes me of him. --Happy birthday to the ground!

Click HERE and enjoy!

A post just for Andrea.

It’s different listening to a song trying to imagine it from another person’s perspective. It is really a very sad song, isn’t it? No one can deny Buck’s impeccable taste in all things, but especially, music.

In order to post a comment on my blog you need to create a profile for yourself. (I could change the setting on my blog to allow anyone to comment, but the way that was explained to me made me think that doing so could allow mean people to write mean things and I would have no idea who they were.) You may have already created a profile for yourself on blogger and are still having a hard time posting, but beyond that I am out of ideas. I will ask my ‘know it all’ friend Jon if that is the case, and we’ll see what he says.

If you happen to love The Mountain Goats like Andrea, myself and many others they will be on my favorite show The Colbert Report TONIGHT! This is according to their website as well as my friend Jesse. Tune in and let The Mountain Goats change your life for the better.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

John Darnielle is my soul mate.

Period. That's all I needed to say. Going to Georgia is my new second favorite song, No children will always be my first. He is my favorite writer.

The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you,
and that you're standing in the doorway.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gentleman Broncos

How excited am I for this movie to come out? I probably watch the trailer on Youtube about three times a day. Anita, this is for you especially. Do you love fantasy fiction? I do...