Jacob and I, as many of you already knew, have been in need of a new couch. We bought one that I hope we will love. It probably won't be delivered for a couple more weeks, and by excellent planning on my part we will be traveling for Christmas by that time. So, yeah, I'll have to figure that one out later. Our new couch looks like this:

And, it turns into a bed! I'm pretty excited about it. My current couch is beyond thrashed. Far beyond. Any ideas for a farewell ceremony when the time comes? I was thinking about taking it out into the wilderness, painting it crazy with fabric paint and then lighting it on fire. To dramatic?
Speaking of DRAMA... it's time to get down to what prompted this post.
I love a project.
Along with our couch, Jacob and I decided to purchase a new coffee table and TV stand. Jacob fell in love with this side table for a TV stand:

But knowing I was tiered of having black furniture in an already dark apartment he suggested we paint it a color... like blue, or yellow:

I didn't know it even ever came in yellow until just now when I did a google image search. We weren't going for that bold of a yellow; the yellow we chose was quite a bit softer. But check this out:

Pretty cool, I think. I really wish it had worked out! Unfortunately....
Only one of the pieces was damaged in the process, and I love Ikea FOREVER because they replaced it for me, no problem. They did tell me that they don't normally replace an item that wasn't defective to begin with, but they did it for me anyway. I love you Ikea customer service! Muah!
If I had been thinking I would have called my friend Jason, a painter,
before Jacob started painting. He gave me some great advise after the fact. I really wish I had the courage to try again.
Project: Fail.